I truly admire Dr. Ann Wigmore. Whenever I order a shot of wheatgrass, I feel like I personally know Dr. Ann. Wheatgrass juice makes me healthier. I owe the opportunity of drinking it at my local co-op to Dr. Ann. Thanks to her, people in the whole world can drink wheatgrass juice and enjoy its countless healing benefits. I find it amazing how Ann Wigmore is continuing to touch our lives decades after she has passed away, even though many of us have never met her, or even heard her name.
Dr. Ann introduced a variety of sprouts into our lives. She also came up with a sprouting bag. Whenever my family travels, we always pack sprouting seeds to guarantee a fresh supply of greens. Dr. Ann called sprouts Living Foods. It is hard to imagine that these words didn't exist some time ago.
Dr. Ann discovered the many healing benefits of blending foods, especially greens. Dr Ann Wigmore lived the last several years of her life almost completely on blended foods, a large part of which consisted of greens. She noticed that blended foods were assimilated more easily. For instance, she would say about fruit, "If I have an apple, I will blend it instead of munch it, because I don't want to waste its energy or mine." She observed that eating blended food gave her superior health and cut her hours of sleep down to two hours per night.
Before Dr. Ann, people utilized blenders for "insignificant" purposes like whipping eggs and making cocktails. Today, we cannot imagine a raw food kitchen without a powerful blender. Dr. Ann Wigmore clearly saw the tight connection between organic soil and human health, and she began promoting organic gardening and composting in the sixties when most people were just beginning to embrace chemical fertilizers as the future of agriculture.
I see Ann Wigmore's uniqueness in her ability to pay attention to a wide spectrum of events, to explore living on this planet as one whole process, and to apply her expertise to many different aspects of life. She didn't choose to be a specialist in just one narrow field as many others have done. She dared to form her personal opinion about everything she encountered, be it blood analysis, colonic irrigations, fasting, food composition, bacteria, gardening, or drinking water. Due to her all-inclusive vision, she was able to create a healing system that has helped thousands of people.
Dr. Ann was known to work vigorously and productively. She invented new ideas daily. She kept herself in notably excellent shape, always running, never walking, sustaining herself on just two hours of sleep per day. At the ripe age of 82, Dr. Ann didn't have a single gray hair. This fact was so unbelievable that her students asked her permission to study her hair in a lab to see if it was dyed. The test proved that it was her natural color.
In addition to her profound research in the field of human health, Dr. Ann was an animal rights activist, she fought against the fluoridation and chlorination of drinking water, against chemical pollution, and many other things.
The latest discoveries in science prove Dr. Ann was right in the majority of her predictions and recommendations. I believe the day will come when medical students will study Ann Wigmore's books as they study Hippocrates today.
Dr. Ann is well recognized all around the world. In my travels I continue to encounter people who ask me if I have heard of Dr. Ann Wigmore. This inquiry is usually followed by an exciting story about another human life saved by Dr. Ann's teachings. I doubt it is possible to calculate just how many lives this brilliant woman has saved. She herself was one of the healthiest people on the planet in the 20th century. Dr. Ann was living her talk and practicing in her own life everything that she was teaching. Most of all, however, people who met her in person remember her for her benevolent loving spirit.
Historic Ann Wigmore Memorial Conference
Vilnius Congress Concert Hall, 19th-20th September, 2012Conference: "Living Foods and it's effect on Degenerative Disease"
Klaipeda University 21st September, 2012
Ann Wigmore Festival of Life and Commemoration
Sept. 22, 2012 Kruopiai, 22nd September, 2012
For registration and more information, please contact the coordinators by email: conference@estravel.lt, or by phone.: +370 5212 5803.
To download the Registration Form Please Click Here
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