Friday, July 20, 2012

Pets or Food?

  • I wrote:
Indeed, heartless towards our prisoners! We foolishly love them more than humans! We decide what they will eat, where they will go, if and when they procreate, and we take food out of the mouths of the starving millions of humans not so fortunate as us(?) Third world blood supports our "lifestyle"! The young lady living in her mother's mobile across from mine, has supposedly 10 adult cats of which three have just had litters. (they are unneutered or spayed) She feeds them and her 1 dog, on Purina dry food (instead of carnivore food: meat) and when they are let out, they come over to my freshly dug and planted garden and do their extremely smelly, offensive, sticky bombs they hide just under the surface! I am sickened by the smells of them marking "their" territory by spraying. Worse is their fighting and yowling when they are mating! They do this with impunity; park management says they can do nothing, neighbours have phoned the SPCA who can likewise do nothing. I'm not sure if the Nanaimo animal control officer has been called or not. As for me I am in the process of erecting netting on the perimeter of my garden and will cover the garden enclosure a with 1. pre-existing trailing blackberries, I'm training 2. use an existing Hawthorn tree 3. scarlet runner beans 4. climbing nasturtiums 5. Take a page from the young lady across from me: let the Himalayan Blackberries take over and out! Or how about Kudzu in Canada!? I well remember Kudzu and it's thickening role instead of things like cornstarch to thicken my stirfries during my macrobiotic studies... Empower Yourself...FOOD AS MEDICINE Heal Yourself With Natural Foods by Gabriele Kushi

So I hope to keep the cats out and shade the tin box I now live in...Another neighbour had accused me of flinging cat poo at his RV and when I denied it, he called me a toilet mouth profanity...wanted a fist fight with me to prove his point!...his girlfriend won't speak to me because I ordered them off my mobile pad, when he threatened to return and "get me", I phoned the RCMP!  They could do nothing! Mr. Toilet Mouth neighbour "probably meant "he would get me .... a PIZZA!! Another neighbour (also a food gardener) has even gone so far as to suggest winterizing them! (the cats, although maybe it should be the pet "lovers". A most gruesome way to die... Any other ideas people? After the poo flinging accusations the young lady told me to fling it at her mother's place. (I again denied it although I have a suspicion who flung poo...). Instead I have twice bagged it up and delivered it to her porch...she said if it was anyone but me (the old man) she would throw it to my face! sigh...

This was due to the following public exchange on Facebook:
irk Becker shared Rustic Hound's photo.
I want to be friends with these crazy people....I'm not kidding!
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