Dirk Becker shared 350.org's photo.
Doug Janzen And Republicans still say there is no proof that man is causing the warming. Fools, mean and ignorant fools.
Carol Spencer add Herr Harper in there as well..but is anyone stopping the rampant consumption of cheap goods from hugely polluting countries? is North AMerica the worst polluters?..and this has been affecting places closer to the equator for decades..now it is coming home to roost
Doug Janzen I always want to simplify my life, less consumerism. Does Harper also say "no such thing" when it comes to climate change/global warming?
Carol Spencer yes he did, but has backpedalled...decide for yourself..you might be amused.. http://www.harperindex.ca/ShowCategory.cfm?Show=Cat4
The Harper Index: Analyzing persuasion techniques of Canada's Conservatives - The Promises - The Record - The Responses
Doug Janzen
Confusing. I'd like to see Canada adopt the Kyoto guidelines. And make it a national priority to make an electric vehicle for commuting and hauling goods. We are a big country, a cold country, so we need a "made in Canada" solution for this. I want to be the world leader in this so we'd cut greenhouse gasses. Then make the oil sands as damn clean as possible. I know we need oil but REALLY make it as clean as getting the stuff out of the ground can be. I was a roughneck for a couple of years, I know the oil 'bidness' is messy but seriously just do it!
Chris J. Slater Back to the past to see what lies in our future UNLESS we begin to take RESPONSIBILITY now (I'm thinking it's probably too late already! The canary in the coal mine died - killed by Corporations like Monsanto's monoculture Round-Up (TM ) Ready GMO's!) The Dirty Thirties http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dust_Bowl Only FOOLS think they can continue to take from the good earth without putting anything back! Rip out what God decided was best for the climate and microclimates and use CHEMICALS (herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers, etc. to live better today!! It's foolish people, regardless of their politics, that do this to us! Dead, dry soil has no life to impart to our food. And if our food isn't dead enough already, we can always make sure its D - E - A- D by cooking the life from it! GROWNFOODS - Green, Raw, Organic, Wet (or Wild) and most important, Natural FOOD.
The Dust Bowl, or the Dirty Thirties, was a period of severe dust storms causing...See more
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