You have many blessings as well as serious life challenges. First the bad news. We are all dying - sooner or late! The good news? There are ways to escape dying too soon or eternally.
One of those blessings I would like to introduce you to right at home there in Courtenay, BC is "Raw Rose"
Rose Vasile lives in Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada where she has been teaching her popular “Uncooking” classes for several years. In her classes, retreats, demos at health food stores and her Canadian Bestseller, Uncooking With RawRose – Your Guide to Raw Foods, Rose shares her enthusiasm and knowledge of preparing and eating raw foods. Eating mainly raw foods has resulted in numerous benefits.
In 2002 Rose was trained as a Raw Living Foods Chef by Victoria Boutenko. (I first met Valya and Sergei Boutenko at RawQuest 2008 in Courtenay at Zen Zero | Vegan Eatery and Smoothie Bar You are truly blessed with people right at home there in Courtenay!)
Rose left her 31 year career as a group insurance underwriter to help others heal with raw foods. Rose was the Director and an instructor at Creative Health Institute (CHI), in Michigan, USA. CHI runs two week cleansing programs based on Dr. Ann Wigmore’s teachings, which emphasizes raw foods and wheatgrass juice. Rose is a 2009 graduate of Living Light Culinary Arts Institute, where she received certification as a Raw Culinary Arts Chef & Instructor.
In 2011 Rose returned to Living Light to become a Certified Raw Food Nutrition Educator.
Rose’s greatest desire is to let the world know about the benefits of raw foods!
I, Chris J. Slater of Nanaimo, BC, have been told by doctors beginning in 1977 that unless I follow their "orders" my prognosis for survival is "uncertain". Beginning in 2008 until now I'm using these new friends and their teachings to get a longer life and better health.
What caught my eye was your wedding photo and reading further I read, "Emily, 24, was diagnosed with Stage 4 aggressive large-cell lymphoma in January and underwent various chemotherapy treatments since then. A couple of weeks ago doctors gave her just three to 12 months left to live."
And further on, "Emily's gotten quite weak now, and she's not sleeping very well, and in a bit of pain, and a lot of swelling happening, so we're just letting her rest and take it easy," he said, adding she's having some issues with her vision as well. "It's time for her to kind of think about her, and we're looking at, now, alternative treatments." (GREAT!)
Emily and Shawn have repeated(ly) said she will not give up her fight against cancer even though she decided to stop chemotherapy treatments and focus on her quality of life. (CONGRATULATIONS!)
She's trying an alkaline diet right now, and considering other therapies like Reiki, which is a spiritual stress relieving and healing practice. (EXCELLENT! WINNERS NEVER QUIT!)
I have studied many things to resolve my life challenges and pray I have many more yet. But in the end analysis I'm awestruck to think,
CAN THE ANSWERS TO OUR LIFE CHALLENGES REALLY BE THAT SIMPLE? TRUST AND BELIEVE in an Intelligent Designer who by His Grace forgives us our sins. (disobedience to Him and His Commandments) and gives us Hope?
FUEL THESE BODIES THE WAY HE DESIGNED THEM TO WORK! Foods that are green, raw, organic, wet (or wild) and natural! We can only get life from live foods!
I pray what I shared here helps. Our Creator doesn't make mistakes. He sometimes uses people and things to work His miracles.. He used people to write a love letter to all who will read it, the Bible.
Blessings to you and Shawn, may you live long and prosper!
Love, Chris J. Slater
Source: Dying bride's health worsens after 'overwhelming' wedding - By Renee Andor - Comox Valley Record Published: July 10, 2012 12:00 PM
- Karen Fergusoni seen what you nicely written ..a friend of mine Arnie was diagnosed with lung cancer and did the hospital treatments..was so he couldnt breath..decieded to try one more thing before giving in ..went to the natives..they told him to take...."flora" flora essense... and he is now up and walking again and if you can believe it..back at working..hard work too...mining...just wish x Gordon could have got his hands on some of this..he may have been here still for his family..
- Chris J. SlaterAmen, Karen, Thanks for the comment. How sad - so many come to God as the only hope and answer when all else fails and so miss out on a lifetime of His blessings. We need to put our trust in Him and His ways first, last and always. WAGDS. We're All Going To Die Someday (the end of this mortal flesh life) but for those who believe in Him, His Son and Holy Spirit they have eternal soul life. And to those who ask for His wisdom and blessings, all will be revealed and received in His good time, including their healing if that is His will. Sometimes He says "Not now, my child." But the main thing is to be a seeker. I will continue to pray Emily and her new husband as well as all those who are being used to bless her now... and for Gordon and the others we witness to, who knows that with their dying breath they didn't finally accept our witness and silently cry out to Him? Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. To those whom much has been given, much will be expected to share...19 minutes ago · Edited ·
- Chris J. SlaterAs to the native beliefs, wisdom is freely given to all who will ask in our Creator's name. I heard of a similar healing up Vancouver Island using a retreat, sweat lodge and a diet exclusively of sea urchins. And I've just been reading about Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND and her book "Death by Modern Medicine". http://
www.deathbymodernmedicine.c om/ we need to be open to hearing new things, because God can use anyone, anything to bless us! www.deathbymodernmedicine.comDeath by Modern Medicine a book written by Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND with Trueman Tuck3 minutes ago · ·
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