My wanderings and gleanings of the past two weeks gave me:
(Do you recognize them BEFORE I label them?)
Outside Annamie's apartment in Nanaimo are some Ornamental Black Cherry Trees that had incredible showy double blooms this spring, but when I tried to eat some of the fruits two weeks ago, they were all stone, small and very bitter. But with the recent rains, they have filled out and now have some pulp on them. When I arrived home last night I was trying them, they are delicious! (and free!) so I'm picking some more today...
Just outside the trailer park I now live at in South Nanaimo: Southgate Mobile Home Park are some of the best Saskatoon Berries I have ever seen or tasted anywhere! Plump and juicy, thanks to the rains again!
I've been eating my Orange Day Lilies before they bloom, but with all the work at my trailer-home, I let one get away and yesterday morning it was in full bloom. I've never tried them raw, used to just fry the bloom pods, but now, curious and knowing them to be safe, I nibbled the bloom. Delicious! Gobbled it all up! Feeling fine as I write this today! Lol I'm expecting a feast today as three pods should be blooming...But before you eat... Always research what you're doing!
I've been at this for 35 years, since I moved to Victoria from Edmonton in 1977 and have a wealth of resources that I use. Any questions on gleaning, herbs or wild foods and locations in and around Nanaimo, let's talk? Anyway, off to work (and my a/c) ?
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