In our phone interview, Jessica Ernst says she's "still getting used to" being compared to Erin Brockovich (the environmental activist made famous by Julia Robert's film portrayal ten years ago). The comparison comes easy because the outspoken Ernst, a landowner in the town of Rosebud, Alberta, is o...
Glen Williams http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dailybrew/city-calgary-seeks-quash-woman-wildflower-garden-185911709.html
ReplyDeleteHi Glen - would appreciate on topic posts rather than off on another tangent. I commented on this elsewhere, bottom line is I support COMMON SENSE when it comes to "statutes and ordinances" but not defiance of the law on principle.
Anarchy is just another noxious weed we need to avoid!
But I agree, as a former Albertan from 1952 to 1978, Alberta's Weed Control Act states certain plants - or weeds, as they're called in the act - are prohibited. Amber's garden contains Canada thistles, scentless chamomile, oxeye daisies and blue weeds, all of which are banned by the Weed Act.
Plants listed under the Weed Act are there because alien species are "the second most significant threat to biodiversity, after habitat loss," according to Alberta's Invasive Plants Council.
A bylaw officer issued a notice about Amber's offending plants on July 20. The situation has now escalated. Amber received a 24-hour notice on Aug. 3 that if she doesn't get rid of the plants, the city will do it for her.
Amber is currently away from her garden, instead residing in Sicamous, B.C. She's there to study the medicinal value of wildflowers. http://www.qp.alberta.ca/documents/Regs/2010_019.pdf
I SUPPORT UNDERSTANDING WHAT GROWS NATURALLY INDIGENOUSLY NOT HELTER SKELTER INTRODUCTION and CULTIVATION OF ALIEN SPECIES, which is why I included a BC connection: Field Guide to Noxious and Other Selected Weeds of British Columbia
http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca -
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