Monday, July 18, 2011

The time is LATE! Your health is being undermined by the Corporation.

Please see Grounded News Presents: Save Compassion Farm (click the links)

I agree, Dirk and Nicole are in the forefront of Urban Farmers DOING something about the current state of growing FOOD in North America. Because we went to sleep, Corporate America has gained such a head start and MONOPOLY with "their brand of FOODS", (GMO, Round-up Ready, Terminator seeds and PATENTED Foods - It is estimated Monsanto now has over 11,000 patents - THEY control the foods you BUY in STORES) in combination with their control of "non-natural PATENTED MEDICINES" through the Church of Modern Medicine - we are in grave danger for our SURVIVAL. It's not about getting "along" with neighbours! Hello? Dirk Becker and Nicole Shaw simply wanted to be left alone to try to do their small part to solving OUR PROBLEM what are we going to breathe, drink and EAT, as well as live, but NO! The neighbourhood NIMBY, Jim Brash has been emboldened by the Mayor Colin Haime and majority of Council of Lantzville (one of the Councillors is Denise Haime, Mayor Haime's wife so they consitute 2 of the 7 votes) to escalate his harassment and bullying of Dirk and Nicole. I believe they are acting like Fascists in that community and persecuting these innocents for daring to do something against THEIR repressive zoning and by-laws in THEIR neighbourhood. Rise up people, educate yourself why so many countries around the world don't want North American Frankenfoods! Watch, Learn and APPLY. Tear out the lawn, plant open-pollinated seeds, and seek out Heritage FOOD plants and animals. Or at least SUPPORT local urbanites like Dirk and Nicole who will!​ch?v=pEYnX3-I0TA

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