Chris J. Slater @ GrownFoods says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Mayor Haime. I am a Canadian, a British Columbian, a neighbour to Lantzville; I live in the Cowichan Valley Regional District. I moved to Vancouver Island from Edmonton in 1978 to escape the “development above all else” mentality. So although not a resident of Lantzville, I and my family still need clean air, water, food and adequate shelter. No one in this world can live in isolation to anyone else. Having been to Compassion Farm, and having met Dirk Becker and Nicole Shaw, I can assure you the neighbour, Jim Brash and you, as the “majority of Council” – Mayor, wife as a Councillor and the other 2 who are pushing this issue, more than deserve the criticism you are now getting. Unlike you, we are having difficulty obtaining those 4 basics of life. I and my wife just watched you and Dirk on Shaw Cable and we are dismayed at your inflexible attitude and insistence on a flawed 2006 bylaw restricting people from people from growing their own organic air, water, food and shelter. Sir, drop the foolish litigation, stop wasting precious resources. In closing, you and council of Lantzville need to know you were elected to provide leadership in your community, the province of B.C., Canada and the world. So either you will lead, will follow or you will get out of the way; the times are changing.