Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Save Compassion Farm

On Facebook, Protect Urban Agriculture, Save Compassion Farm... Open group
Whelm King asked: dirk or nicole.. can you please post a quick update of where your situation stands at the moment, and refresh us about upcoming notable dates?
Dirk Becker answered: Thanks for asking! At least 3 fronts of action as we are waiting. 
1) Lantzville folks can show up at council meetings and ask how things are progressing as we have not heard anything yet. 
2) Folks outside of Lantzville can phone, write, mail to enquire. 
3) Everyone in the 'Mid Island' and beyond needs to go to all of their elected representatives on every level (municipal, provincial, federal) and engage with them as to what we are are we doing and going to do for ensuring a food supply? 
Retell that: "We grow less than 5% of our food on Van Isle"! . "There is only 2 days fresh food supply in stores"! 
Our goals is: That bylaws and laws on every level are changed immediately to reflect current awareness and future needs. This means (with minimal exception) that virtually anyone can grow food anywhere (including for sale). 
This means that laws and bylaws not only "allow" such activities but actually support, protect, encourage, facilitate and increase "agri-culture" in any and all city, (including boulevards and parks) industrial, urban, interurban, semi rural, rural etc, areas.
Yesterday at 13:42 
Chris J. Slater   
Said: Ha ha, I always laugh at this 2 days...my parents lived through the war in England 1939 - 45 on very expensive, rationed foods, indeed people were healthier for growing their own foods rather than depending on "factory foods." That was then, this is now and for the 2/3 of North Americans (including me) who are obese we would do very well if we were required to cut back on our caloric intakes. Besides, fasting isn't starving; for some it is the only way we can overcome this plague of plastic, addictive, additive filled, dead, non-foods. We need people who will grow real foods locally.

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