Sunday, January 30, 2011

To know and yet not to do is to not yet know...

Yesterday I woke up feeling tired and bloated. I waddled down to the bathroom and weighed myself. Back in June I weighed 232 pounds on my now 5'7' frame. In August I went on a 15 day distilled water fast and my weight went down to 207 pounds. Well, I decided to celebrate just the once time, which became just the weekend, then the month and now the scales tell me I'm 225# FAT.

Thank God for He knows what I should do about this. Get back on the wagon; pray and fast again, this time not to stop until I reach my ideal weight of 151#. Hmmm, I'll get started for sure, next week after I eat up all the junk in the cupboards and fridge...

My Urban Garden Journey - Chris J. Slater

 * Please click on the red lettering for links that apply...

Gardens on my Parents Properties

I was born in Rochester, Medway, UK in 1947 to a mother and father who appreciated the value of planting, nurturing and harvesting an urban garden. So my memories and life has always had a garden in the background.  In England there are a number of pictures of me in the back garden, slicing beans and shelling peas with my mother and with my grandfather.

Norwood, Edmonton

Dad, an airframe mechanic before and after the war at Shorts, moved to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in 1951 to work at Northwest Industries Ltd. at the Municipal Airport. In September 1952 my mother, brother and I followed. We arrived in Halifax, across Canada by train to Edmonton (a distance of 5082 kilometers) in November, arriving at the old CNR station in a snowstorm. Dad picked us up in his 1949 Ford Prefect, which was totally unsuited for Edmonton winters and took us to our first home in Edmonton. There was water in the basement, quickly turning to ice. We weren't allowed to go there, Dad said there were rats, although Alberta was supposed to be rat free. After being separated from Dad for a year, coming across the Atlantic and Canada with us two boys, having a tour of her new home, the only furniture being apple crates and mattresses on the floor, we were all standing in the livingroom and Mom began to cry! We were really concerned, crowded close to Mom as Dad took Mom in His arms and said, "I'm sorry, it's not much, but things will get better". Mom said, "No you don't understand, these are tears of joy, we're back together again as a family after such a long time."

I don't remember any garden at this place.

Parkdale, Edmonton

 I remember, as one of my first harvest memories in Canada , Mom and Dad digging up some Horseradish root at our rental home in Parkdale, Edmonton, grinding it, crying profusely and putting it in sealers so we would have some  with our roast beef sandwiches. I also remember lots of rhubarb plants there. My older brother and I used to love to pick them fresh and dip the rhubarb shoots in sugar in a saucer...

8955 - 147 St., Parkview District, Edmonton

In 1954 Mom and Dad purchased a new, 3 bedroom house in the Parkview District of Edmonton, Alberta at 8955 - 147 Street. It was on former Aspen parkland, then was used for large scale farming of crops such as canola (Brassica napsus), alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and wheat (Triticum aestivum), and livestock grazing. The soils in the aspen parkland biome are also quite fertile, especially around Edmonton and Saskatoon. Oil and natural gas exploration and drilling have also disturbed the natural habitat as well, especially in Alberta and northeastern British Columbia. As a result, undisturbed habitat is now no longer as nearly common as it was a century ago, with less than 10% of remaining intact.

This land was now growing a large housing tract that contained Alldritt, Engineered and Fekete Homes. The topsoil had  been scrapped off and sold, then the basements dug in the subsoil and substratum clay and then backfilled. I remember our looking at the Alldritt show home at the corner of South West corner of 91 Ave and 146 Street in the summertime. Outside on the lawn was a large plywood painted sign, there was a thunderstorm moving through as Mom and Dad were talking to the salesman. My brother and I were watching out from the livingroom window when there was a brilliant flash and the sign exploded in a lightning strike. It is the closest I have ever been to a lightening strike in my life.

Our house had it's foundations put in in the fall, and the walls and roof were finished before the snow fell. But we couldn't move in until the spring , so for the first couple of months we couldn't drive home, we had to wade through mud from 91 Avenue, then for the first year there was no road, just a frog pond out front where 147 Street is now. As soon as they could Mom and Dad put up a fence to enclose the backyard and gave my brother and I small plots to plant and tend. I remember being excited with the seed packets and how different the seeds were. Carrots, radishes, cabbage, lettuce, beans and corn were the staples, but because my early childhood years were spent in England, I had a real love for broccoli and Brussels sprouts, I was allowed to plant some. Mom and Dad didn't hold out much hope for them to grow in Edmonton, but being naturally stubborn, I hauled a lot of chicken manure and compost from an abandoned farmyard across the street, planted my seeds early, covered them with old newspapers, watered them regularly and was rewarded with a very good crop. Also around the local ponds were pussy willows in the spring, I bought some home for Mom, when they started to fall and the green leaves came out, Mom was going to throw them out, but I noticed there were rootlets, so I asked for a whip to plant. It grew into a very large wolf willow, so for years my mother told all her friends how I could make anything grow in Edmonton. We were close to the North Saskatchewan River and when Laurier Heights was finished we used to go to the South facing, North Banks to go pick Saskatoon berries and sledding in the winter. Later when I got an Allstate MoPed, for my delivery boy jobs with Allan's Drugs at Lynnwood Shopping Center on 149 St.  and Sprague Drugs on 142 St., I used to go with friend Rick Walker to Big Lake, St. Albert, Alberta to catch Jack Fish. (Northern Pike). One memorable "expedition" we bought home a lot of fish, uncleaned much to Mom's chagrin. At Big Lake, in it's warm and shallow water, we caught a lot of fish, but they dove to the bottom and hid out in the weeds, so we cranked them in,  weeds and all. When we cleaned them their stomachs were full of lots of fresh water shrimps, frogs and small fish, but most surprising was some field mice, 2 baby and one adult redwing blackbirds. We cleaned them all up, gave them to Mom who cooked us up a feast that strangely tasted like mud, but I don't remember her eating any..

Gardens on my properties

10335 - 158St., Edmonton, Alberta

Neither my first wife nor I had any money when we married. So the first property I bought was a 50 x 150 ft. lot with a shack at 10335 - 158 Street in Edmonton, in 1970. I paid $4,500 and on the day I signed the title at the Public Trustee who were the executor of the Estate, I was informed by the Department of Health that if I tried to move in or rent it out, the "house" would be condemned. I was told if I wanted to move in, I would need to put in city water and a sewer, an unexpected expense I hadn't budgeted for, planning to move in and do these things as time and money permitted. We were living on the fourth floor of a walk-up apartment, so now I had to take back by notice to move and had to sell the lot. I put it up for sale at $7,400, land value and soon had a sale, but with a 6 months, subject to the sale of the purchasers lot on 156 St. and moving their newer house to my lot.

So while I was waiting for the sale to go through, I received a notice from the city telling me to "Abate Noxious Weeds". So I rented a mower and tried to cut down the weeds, but after a half day of frustration, decided to go back to the rental store who recommended I rent a sprayer, buy some paraquat from them to kill the weeds, then when they were dead and dried, try again to cut them down. So I  returned to the lot, and seeing the next door neighbour, introduced myself and asked him if I could fill my sprayer from his tap. He advised me that it was he who made the complaint to the city about the weeds, that he was in charge of reporting on me to the city. It was he who made the City aware of the death of the previous owner, that there was a new owner and they should insist on my putting in a water line and sewer. Fuming, I went to the service station, filled up my sprayer and went back to the property. When he saw me ready to spray, neighbour called out to me across the fence that I'd better not. I replied that I had a right and an obligation to control the weeds and I was doing so legally. As I was talking, I was walking to the fence. I told my neighbour that I didn't appreciate his harassment, that if he didn't stop I was going to chop off all the branches from the10 plum trees planted just on his side of the property line, that overhung into my property, then dig up and chop off any roots that came into my property. Spluttering, my neighbour went back into his house. Eventually the house sold and I bought my first real home. Contd.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Go Raw Now Trailer

We need positive motivation to make changes: See this!

How to Start a Raw Food Diet

Unless you're willing to experiment with new ideas and ways of living, you'll keep getting the same results. If you're totally happy, don't change, but if you feel there's something missing, try something new, it may be for you!

Waste Not - Want not: Liquid Gold

There is a resource that we are misusing in the most dire manner: Liquid Gold


Everything you'll ever need to know about collecting and using your own...

I bought my copy at the Green Store, Nanaimo about 2 years ago, went out and got ready my 2 - 20L. containers for storage and diluting the product.

Frankly, I prefer direct application, it is less messy and there are additional benefits like "marking my territory" against local stray dogs and other local wildlife. Along with the direct application of the LG, it requires dilution or else widespread dispersal to prevent nitrogen burns.

Wife, Annamie, formerly living on residential lots in Manila and Cebu, Philippines and then a high rise in Mississauga and Calgary, Canada has needed a little more encouragement to make her contributions. The four acres we are on provides more privacy than she is used to, if you discount the 30,000 people going by on the Trans-Canada Highway every day  and the people flying in on airplanes on a final approach to Nanaimo airport. So A. is much more likely to participate after dark or when I'm ensconced on our only "throne" which is hooked to an on site septic system...

PopTech 2009: Will Allen

Friday, January 28, 2011

No Flouride in Nanaimo water? Not So!

Woo Hoo! I just LOVE this! Nanaimo doesn't add fluorides, but there are dangerous levels of naturally occurring (?) fluorides!

Amanda Orum as reported on  is Questioning Authority!

Hi Amanda:  WATER is one of the necessities of life. Congratulations on your "Questioning Authority", and "Flouride in Nanaimo Water" . Never mind the Pooh Bears, there will always be those who buy the official line, hook and sinker. But I agree we should do background research first.

Here is some good research and good background information: a 4 part series: Professor Paul Connett: Your Toxic Tap Water 1/4 -

Dr. Paul Connett, Professor of Chemistry at St. Lawrence University in New York, gives a damning interview on the history of water fluoridation, the collusion of major industries to put certified toxins in our water.

And then I Googled: Is Nanaimo tap water flouridated?
and got:

which lead me to:

Where have high fluoride levels been found in B.C. well water?

The Ministry of Environment evaluated the results of groundwater samples obtained between 1977 and 1993 through the Water Quality Check Program. Of over 8,500 samples analyzed for fluoride, 270 or 3.1% had fluoride levels above the Canadian drinking water guideline of 1.5 mg/L, and 0.1% of samples had fluoride concentrations greater than or equal to 10 mg/L. High concentrations of fluoride in groundwater were observed in rural wells in the upper rural area of  Westbank and near the communities of Armstrong, Duncan, Enderby, Gabriola Island, Ladysmith, Nanaimo, Okanagan Falls, Penticton, Salmon Arm, Saltspring Island, and Vernon. Fluoride levels above the drinking water guideline may also occur locally in other regions of the province.

My source of drinking water is from the Cassidy Aquifier in Ladysmith. I rent here, but for many years I have lived in Langford, Crofton, Nanaimo and Ladysmith. I used to travel Vancouver Island and the Sunshine coast and call on the pulp and paper mills.

In 1978, I well remember being in Crofton and Port Alice and seeing yellow, black and brown, one to two foot deep, billowing yellow "curds" floating on the saltwater. I asked and was told, "Oh, we're just getting rid of the black liquor!" I asked if there weren't laws in place but was told it was "cheaper" to pay the fines than to properly recycle. So much for Corporate Responsibility!

Got me thinking? Why high, dangerous levels of flourides where I've been living for years. God forbid that those industries (PULP MILLS) on Vancouver Island at Crofton, Nanaimo, Port Alice, Port Alberni, Tahsis and Campbell River have been dumping their by-products from the bleaching process for years, (until recently) into the saltchuck, spewing them up the stacks and stockpiling effluent on the land.

and then there are the abandoned mines and coal mines on the islands, what are they contributing?

And what about the the Vancouver Island Garbage Dumps?

There ARE people who are concerned about this:  There was a gentleman, name of Allister ? who was putting out a proposal to use our garbage, limestone from Texada Islands, coal and other locally available feedstuffs to make cinderblocks. If you know the story, please refresh my memory by commenting below?

Years ago I decided to do something personally about making sure my water is fit to drink.
So for about 20 years I have purified my drinking and cooking water using a water distiller and most recently a Sears water distiller. I think the Chinese are manufacturing a similar unit now, Sears only supplies parts for their own units. I got mine at the Parksville Recycle Depot , about 5 years ago. I got the illustrated unit at a garage sale at the Ladysmith Legion a few yers back, but have since sold it to a friend.

And I would be remiss if I didn't mention some who have offered solutions:??

Welcome to the Island! This is the best place in the world, but it's under heavy attack!

Help Fight Monsanto!

Monsanto and GMO - The end of the beginning - Your life is on the line!

This is important to anyone or anything that eats! And don't all living things need to eat?  From:

(NaturalNews) After months of pretending to review public feedback on the issue of GE alfalfa, the USDA has announced a surprise lifting of all restrictions on the genetically engineered crop, effectively allowing anyone to plant GE alfalfa anywhere, without any restriction. This is the USDA's surrender to Monsanto, and it signifies the beginning of a new era of widespread genetic pollution of North America's crops and ranch animals (which eat those crops).

Even though the USDA recently admitted in its Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) that GE alfalfa may pose a risk to both organic farmers and conventional farmers (, the agency suddenly and without scientific justification decided to remove all restrictions and allow Monsanto to regulate itself!

This is the work of USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, Monsanto lobbyists and certain members of Congress who have been influenced to write extremely dishonest letters to the USDA which characters GE restrictions as "unscientific." NaturalNews previously exposed the twisted logic and manipulative linguistic games used by biotech supporters in an article called, "Unscientific" is secret code for anyone who opposes GMOs or pesticides (

The dishonest tactics used by the biotech industry have apparently been successful, and it is widely believed that this precedent will now be used to lift all regulation of other GE crops, unleashing what can only be called the era of genetic pollution across North America, courtesy of the USDA.

Confirmed: USDA is in the business of death

It was only a few days ago that NaturalNews shockingly revealed how the USDA is engaged in the deliberate murder of tens of millions of birds, cougars, beavers, foxes, ducks and other animals as part of its taxpayer-funded "Bye Bye Blackbird" program ( and (

Under these programs, the USDA uses chemical poisons to murder literally millions of birds each year, including an occasional endangered species animal by accident. This is all part of the USDA's insane program of death to protect the financial interests of conventional agriculture giants.

Today's USDA decision to unleash genetically engineered alfalfa on the nation seems entirely consistent with the agency's reliance on mass animal murder to achieve its goals of reducing biodiversity and suppressing whatever forms of life it does not want to succeed. (I hope humans are not on the USDA's list of species to "manage," but after today's decision, I'm starting to think we might be...)

The USDA, as a rule, supports primarily corporate monoculture efforts such as genetically engineered crops, corn-fed cattle, and conventional crops being heavily sprayed with pesticides. With this decision on GE alfalfa, the USDA has squarely positioned itself as the enemy of organic food production, biodynamic farming methods and the use of heirloom seeds by farmers.

In fact, today's decision to unleash GE alfalfa on America now means the DNA pollution of non-GMO alfalfa is a certainty. Farmers trying to grow honest, non-GMO alfalfa, in other words, are about to suffer what can only be called an environmental catastrophe caused by GE alfalfa cross-contamination.

Alfalfa is fed to the cows used to produce meat

The chain of toxicity goes way beyond mere GE alfalfa, of course. Alfalfa is largely used to feed cows who tend to collect and concentrate toxins in their fat tissues, raising them to much higher concentrations than what was originally found in the plants.

Additionally, there is evidence (but not yet conclusive proof) to suggest that GE alfalfa may release pesticide chemicals into the bodies of cows during digestion. Cows eat a tremendous amount of alfalfa each day, further concentrating potential toxins that may be present in their feed. When those cows are then slaughtered and turned into hamburgers in fast food restaurants, they may theoretically be delivering extremely high concentrations of pesticide toxins that were originally found in their feed grasses (or corn, for that matter).

In other words, GE alfalfa may turn out to be a mechanism by which consumers are ultimately poisoned with herbicides because those herbicides were concentrated in the bodies of cows first.

Again, NaturalNews does not yet have conclusive proof that this is the case. But neither does the USDA have conclusive proof that GE alfalfa is safe, and this is precisely the point: Rather than relying on the Precautionary Principle, the USDA is haphazardly unleashing GE alfalfa into the wild and crossing their fingers (behind their backs, probably) in the hope that nothing will go wrong.

GE alfalfa is a grand genetic experiment with an unknown outcome. Importantly, this is an experiment which can never be put back in the box! Once you've unleashed GE alfalfa into the wild, you have engaged in an irreversible chain of events impacting the one of the most sacred things on our planet: The DNA of crop seeds.

If the USDA has miscalculated, and if we've been lied to by Monsanto (and gee, why would a corporation ever lie to us just to make a profit?), then we may, in time, find ourselves the victims of an unthinkable genetic pollution catastrophe combined with a possible food wipeout scenario that can all be traced back to genetic pollution caused by GMOs.

Again, I cannot say for certain that this outcome will occur, but neither can the USDA (nor Monsanto) say with any honesty that they know such an outcome won't happen. And given what's at stake -- the very future of sustainable life on our planet -- only a fool would choose to roll the dice and risk everything just for the sake of quarterly profits for a few more bucks on the corporate bottom line.

The USDA, it seems, is now doing to humans what it has been doing to the birds: Poisoning us all and hoping no one will notice.

But people are noticing... and this action has ignited a grassroots firestorm of protest across the internet (see below).

Here come the superweeds

We don't yet know whether GMOs will lead our world into a DNA catastrophe ending in global starvation and widespread death, but we do know something else that's similarly frightening: GE crops result in the creation of "superweeds" that are highly resistant to even today's strongest herbicides.

This is natural selection at work: When GE crops are sprayed with Roundup and other chemical pesticides -- and that's how GE crops are "managed" in the field -- they inevitably give rise to weeds that, through natural genetic variation, develop a genetic resistance to those herbicide chemicals. Those weeds survive and go to seed, reproducing and spreading their own "superweed DNA" across not just the GMO fields, but through conventional farming fields, too. This forces even conventional farmers (and organic farmers) to now deal with mutant superweeds that were created by GMO farming methods! (

This is a mirror image of the situation with MRSA and antibiotics in humans: When physicians overprescribe antibiotics (which is happening in virtually every hospital in the western world today), this practice gives rise to antibiotic-resistant bacteria -- so-called "superbugs." These superbugs are immune to antibiotics and become the real killers that are claiming the lives of innocent victims in hospitals across America right now.

In some hospitals, entire floors of patients become infected with these superbugs, and many simply die. According to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, these superbugs kill 48,000 patients a year in America alone ( In case you're keeping track, that's roughly 16 times the number of Americans killed on 9/11, and it's happening every year!

This is one of the greatest epidemics of infectious disease in America today, and it's being caused entirely by the abusive practice of using chemicals to eliminate undesirable forms of life in the bodies of human patients. Now the USDA wants to adopt this same disastrously failed method on a much larger scale, allowing chemicals to be used in combination with GE alfalfa in a way that is absolutely guaranteed to create superweeds which are resistant to standard herbicides.

Do you see where this is heading? Fast forward 25 years and we may see our fertile croplands overrun by aggressive, invasive superweeds that are resistant to everything -- weeds which are "Monsanto's Mutants" because they are the causal offshoots of insanely poor foresight and atrociously huge risk-taking by USDA officials who blatantly betray the American people at every opportunity. In making this decision, the USDA has squarely positioned itself as an enemy of sustainable life on our planet. It has made a deal with the Devil, and the price may ultimately be borne by the innocent victims who perish under a future crop failure or superweed explosion that extremely diminishes crop production potential across America.

America's great Bread Basket, in other words, may soon become a Dead Basket.

Center for Food Safety to file lawsuit

The Center for Food Safety ( has announced its intention to immediately file a lawsuit challenging the USDA's lack of scientific integrity in lifting GE alfalfa regulations:

"We’re disappointed with USDA’s decision and we will be back in court representing the interest of farmers, preservation of the environment, and consumer choice" said Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director for the Center for Food Safety. "USDA has become a rogue agency in its regulation of biotech crops and its decision to appease the few companies who seek to benefit from this technology comes despite increasing evidence that GE alfalfa will threaten the rights of farmers and consumers, as well as damage the environment."

Read the full announcement from the Center for Food Safety at:

Organic Consumers Association continues its fight against GMOs

The Organic Consumers Association (, led by grassroots organizer Ronnie Cummins, is also at the forefront of this fight with its Millions Against Monsanto campaign (

I strongly urge you to get involved in the OCA, join their email list, read their website and stay informed about this issue. Watch for some very important announcements from the OCA in the coming weeks.

Jeffrey Smith and the IRT

Of course, Jeffrey Smith and the Institute for Responsible Technology ( are working tirelessly to oppose GE crops and protect the interests of consumers. NaturalNews is a cooperative supporter of the IRT and their mission, and I personally urge you to help contribute financially to the IRT at your earliest opportunity, as they are working on what promises to be a breakthrough documentary exposing GMOs. This project requires additional funding (and you can bet the large corporations won't be funding this, huh?)

About today's decision by the USDA, Jeffrey Smith told NaturalNews:

"The USDA's approval of Roundup Ready alfalfa is a travesty. It will simultaneously harm the health of humans, animals, plants, and soil life, and threaten the livelihood and purity of organic agriculture. I understand our friends at the Center for Food Safety are going ahead with immediate legal action. And others of us are considering how else we might prevent this catastrophe from going ahead."

Alliance for Natural Health

Please also stay in touch with the Alliance for Natural Health (, which has launched an effort to halt the use of GMOs in school lunches.

They have launched a petition that I urge you to sign:

The ANH is a tremendously effective non-profit group fighting to protect the rights of natural health consumers. They deserve your support, and they're part of an ever-expanding coalition of health freedom groups who are all working to protect consumers interests. The Natural Solutions Foundation (, similarly, was hugely effective in the fight to halt the S.510 Food Safety Bill. That fight was not successful, of course, but the massive public protests organized by groups like the NSF, ANH, NaturalNews and others was effective in forcing amendments to the Food Safety Bill, such as the Tester Amendment.

I'm not saying it was a victory or anything, but it could have been a whole lot worse. Grassroots action prevented it from being worse.

Urgent action needed to fight back against GMOs and genetic pollution

Please take action today in whatever way suits you best.

Join our Facebook group to get hourly updates (

SHARE our anti-GMO music video:

SUPPORT the OCA, the IRT, the CFS and other non-profit groups that are working their tails off (I know, because I know these people, and they work long hours like I do) to protect your interests.

Get involved now and we have a chance to beat back food tyranny, GMO pollution and the corporate takeover of the entire food supply. If we all stand back and do nothing, we will be enslaved by the corporations who will very, very quickly seize control over the world's seeds and crops, putting us all in the position of being mere sharecroppers who have to buy our food from the company store.

We are dangerously close to full-on food enslavement right now. Help us fight back and you help save our collective future. And don't mistakenly think that we can do all this for you while you sit back and just watch what happens. The OCA, the IRT, NaturalNews and other groups are powerless without your direct participation in this battle. Your financial support, your petition signings, your campaigning and everything else you can do makes all the difference. We are here to serve you, but we are nothing without your participation and grassroots action. We are a team, and we need your teamwork to be effective.

Help us put an end to GMOs and protect the future of life on our planet.

Read more:

Does Whole Foods support GE alfalfa?

The Organic Elite Surrender to Monsanto:

Articles Related to This Article:

Almond Growers Sue USDA to Halt Mandatory Chemical Fumigation of Raw Almonds

The Honest Food Guide empowers consumers with independent information about foods and health

Mad cow madness: USDA lies and the coming collapse of the U.S. beef industry

USDA downplays seriousness of mad cow disease found in Alabama cow

Corruption: USDA Looks Out Only for Self Interests

The Food Irradiation Plot: Why the USDA Wants to Sterilize Fresh Produce and Turn Live Foods into Dead Foods

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About the author: Mike Adams is a natural health author and award-winning journalist with a strong interest in personal health, the environment and the power of nature to help us all heal He is a prolific writer and has published thousands of articles, interviews, reports and consumer guides, reaching millions of readers with information that is saving lives and improving personal health around the world. Adams is an independent journalist with strong ethics who does not get paid to write articles about any product or company. In mid 2010, Adams produced NaturalNews.TV, a natural health video sharing website offering user-generated videos on nutrition, green living, fitness and more. He's also a noted technology pioneer and founded a software company in 1993 that developed the HTML email newsletter software currently powering the NaturalNews subscriptions. Adams volunteers his time to serve as the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and practices nature photography, Capoeira, martial arts and organic gardening. Known on the 'net as 'the Health Ranger,' Adams shares his ethics, mission statements and personal health statistics at
Thanks Mike. I have some friends who don't want to hear any of this because it is "alarmist" and "disturbing". But I say better to hear the bird in the mine or the fire alarms going off before the fire gets so strong we'll never be able to put it out until our house and home is burnt to the ground!

Bye- Bye- Blackbird? The USDA has a list of species they don't consider contribute to the world's need for food so they plan to eradicate them! Blackbirds are on that list. How soon will it be that "subspecies" of humans are on that list! Wake up world! Read all about it!

And please visit:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

North American Corporations and the Chinese Communists
11 Execs, 6 Foreign Firms Caught in Huge Honey Sting
‎(Sept. 2) -- U.S. consumers stand a better chance of buying honey free of drugs, chemicals and other illegal contaminants because investigators from several federal agencies have scooped up some of the biggest players in the sticky, international honey-laundering maze.

Bernadette Keenan This is so why we need to resist building the South Fraser Freeway which is to open the country up to Asian Markets while at the same time paving over our local, wonderful farmland. So many of the goods we get particularly from China end up being harmful, from lead in toys to poison in food. Lets grow our own healthy food right here. 
Farms not Freeways.

Dirk Becker China completes a new coal fired power plant every DAY. The whole country is poisoned. And every day we ship them thousands of tons of coal which amounts to 50% of BC's greenhouse gases. Therefore, we export our greenhouse gases, our jobs, our pollution which destroys china's environment and then we get it in toys, clothing and food.

Bernadette Keenan Based on recent news stories, lots of the toys and food are poisoned. And there are problems with other consumer goods too, like re-useable shopping bags from there may have lead paint on them.

Preventing shipping our coal out and other natural resources like whole logs, is another good reason not to expand the Port at Delta and to stop building the South Fraser Freeway. It is a Climate Crime on many levels.

Chris J. Slater Bottom line: North American Corporations are co-operating with the Chinese Communists to the benefit of the few who head these up to the detriment of the rest of the world! The pollution and loss of human rights of the Industrial Revolution in England was followed by the American Way which was exported to Canada, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and now China. Consumerism is all about the money. Whoever has the most toys when they die, wins! Stop and think about that next time you're shopping at Wal-mart: Really telling is that 92% of everything Wal-Mart sells, comes from China. Another 4% comes from Chinese owned companies in the U.S. or in 3rd world countries.

Save Compassion Farm

On Facebook, Protect Urban Agriculture, Save Compassion Farm... Open group
Whelm King asked: dirk or nicole.. can you please post a quick update of where your situation stands at the moment, and refresh us about upcoming notable dates?
Dirk Becker answered: Thanks for asking! At least 3 fronts of action as we are waiting. 
1) Lantzville folks can show up at council meetings and ask how things are progressing as we have not heard anything yet. 
2) Folks outside of Lantzville can phone, write, mail to enquire. 
3) Everyone in the 'Mid Island' and beyond needs to go to all of their elected representatives on every level (municipal, provincial, federal) and engage with them as to what we are are we doing and going to do for ensuring a food supply? 
Retell that: "We grow less than 5% of our food on Van Isle"! . "There is only 2 days fresh food supply in stores"! 
Our goals is: That bylaws and laws on every level are changed immediately to reflect current awareness and future needs. This means (with minimal exception) that virtually anyone can grow food anywhere (including for sale). 
This means that laws and bylaws not only "allow" such activities but actually support, protect, encourage, facilitate and increase "agri-culture" in any and all city, (including boulevards and parks) industrial, urban, interurban, semi rural, rural etc, areas.
Yesterday at 13:42 
Chris J. Slater   
Said: Ha ha, I always laugh at this 2 parents lived through the war in England 1939 - 45 on very expensive, rationed foods, indeed people were healthier for growing their own foods rather than depending on "factory foods." That was then, this is now and for the 2/3 of North Americans (including me) who are obese we would do very well if we were required to cut back on our caloric intakes. Besides, fasting isn't starving; for some it is the only way we can overcome this plague of plastic, addictive, additive filled, dead, non-foods. We need people who will grow real foods locally.