Compassion Farm Update – May 2012 Will "They" Never Learn?
Please read and consider
Having done so myself I wrote: Chris Slater says:
In my opinion these three are nothing but paid mouthpieces
(shareholders?) for multinational corporations like Monsanto. Please see
“Millions Against Monsanto”
Why else are they so adamant over a few wheelbarrows of compost – able
clippings? Good, we’ve got them running scared after all these years of
poisoning OUR planet for their private profit, people are finally saying
enough is enough. They never should have been allowed to patent life,
especially – GMO’s – genetically modified organisms. We need common
sense legislation like the European Union has: all GMO tainted so called
“foods” MUST be labelled as such and give the public information we
MUST have in order to avoid becoming their “guinea pigs”. Further, these
three local troublemakers shouldn’t be given the time of day for their
continual harassment and the invasion of privacy upon their peaceful
neighbours at Compassion Farm. Shame on them!