Maybe you should BLAME the filthy rich 1%!!
Want to know more? - Click the highlighted links below: I use Google and Firefox (a global non-profit dedicated to putting individuals in control & shaping the future of the web for the public good.) for my research.
Obesogen (20,400 results 0.14 seconds from Google using Firefox), then from Wikipedia
(I love Wikipedia for their extensive references and even the controversies they report.)
Obesogens are foreign chemical compounds that disrupt normal development and balance of lipid metabolism, which in some cases, can lead to obesity.[1][2][3] Obesogens may be functionally defined as chemicals that inappropriately alter lipid homeostasis and fat storage, change metabolic setpoints, disrupt energy balance or modify the regulation of appetite and satiety to promote fat accumulation and obesity.[4]
Thanks to the Canadian, David Suzuki (6,350,000 results 0.17 seconds), the David Suzuki Foundation the "Nature of Things" and CBC for the very informative program
Programmed to be Fat?
Are we fat because of man-made chemicals?
New science links environmental chemicals to the global obesity epidemic.
Controversial new science is raising suspicion that chemicals in the environment may be programming us to be fat. And it starts before we’re even born. That’s the subject of a new Dreamfilm documentary called Programmed to be Fat?.New science links environmental chemicals to the global obesity epidemic.
Photo Credit: John Collins
Programmed to be Fat? tells the stories of three scientists whose unexpected findings led them to follow the research of a curious doctor in Scotland, baffled by her inability to lose weight. For three years she pored over existing research on environmental chemicals and finally published a key study in an alternative medicine journal. It linked endocrine-disrupting chemicals to the obesity epidemic. The scientists came across the paper while puzzling over their own research results. None of their studies were about fat, but they had two things in common – they were all researching endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and they all ended up with unusually heavy lab animals.
Photo Credit: John Collins
Endocrine disruptors are all around us – in plastic, in cans, in the water we drink, in the food we eat. They’re not supposed to enter our bodies, but they do. If they’re proven to cause weight gain, the implications for human health are profound.
Now, scientists are going beyond animal research to human population studies, testing the theory that fetal exposure to man-made chemicals is a key reason for our global obesity epidemic.
Programmed to be Fat? is directed by Bruce Mohun, written by Bruce Mohun and Helen Slinger, and produced by Sue Ridout, Helen Slinger and Sara Darling for Dreamfilm Productions in association with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Thanks to the above KNOWLEDGE, I can know begin to UNDERSTAND how I've been used and abused by those filthy rich 1%. And knowledge IS power!
I'm now 64, but I began to wreck my health by smoking cigarettes in 1961 when I was 14, quit when I was 37 (thanks Smokenders!). During this time, I smoked, tried EVERYTHING for sale in Edmonton, Alberta and after my move in 1978, in Victoria, BC, but my favourite smoke was Macdonald, Export "A". I also drank gallons of Pepsi and coffee at my J.O.B.s (Just Over Broke) in Edmonton as a real estate, heavy equipment salesman and Alberta Service Manager with Acme Steel, then in Victoria with Columbia Valve and Fitting and later with Airco Products Ltd., Vancouver, B.C.
So now we are beginning to understand what the rich have known for a long time! Isn't it time they paid for what they have done to us? I've become obese, had two heart attacks and now live with Congestive Heart Failure... Over the years, as I grew in girth, I sought answers, studied and became a vegetarian, macrobiotic and raw food diet adherent. I've spent money on weight loss clinics, books, tapes, seminars and so on... As my weight would approach HWP (BMI) territory, I would "fall off the wagon" and hate myself for what I felt was my weakness.
Conclusion: As my grade four elementary school teacher, Mary Ellen Gadd, at Parkview School wrote in my autograph book so many years ago, "Love many, trust few, always paddle you own canoe!" This means no more processed foods. And associate with people who are aware of better Fasting, Nutritarian and SDA dietary teachings. For me, knowing God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I no longer have to depend solely on advice from this world. I ask for His help and He provides me with His eternal knowledge of how He created this world to work. Amen?