I agree, Dirk and Nicole are in the forefront of Urban Farmers DOING something about the current state of growing FOOD in North America. Because we went to sleep, Corporate America has gained such a head start and MONOPOLY with "their brand of FOODS", (GMO, Round-up Ready, Terminator seeds and PATENTED Foods - It is estimated Monsanto now has over 11,000 patents - THEY control the foods you BUY in STORES) in combination with their control of "non-natural PATENTED MEDICINES" through the Church of Modern Medicine - we are in grave danger for our SURVIVAL. It's not about getting "along" with neighbours! Hello? Dirk Becker and Nicole Shaw simply wanted to be left alone to try to do their small part to solving OUR PROBLEM what are we going to breathe, drink and EAT, as well as live, but NO! The neighbourhood NIMBY, Jim Brash has been emboldened by the Mayor Colin Haime and majority of Council of Lantzville (one of the Councillors is Denise Haime, Mayor Haime's wife so they consitute 2 of the 7 votes) to escalate his harassment and bullying of Dirk and Nicole. I believe they are acting like Fascists in that community and persecuting these innocents for daring to do something against THEIR repressive zoning and by-laws in THEIR neighbourhood. Rise up people, educate yourself why so many countries around the world don't want North American Frankenfoods! Watch, Learn and APPLY. Tear out the lawn, plant open-pollinated seeds, and seek out Heritage FOOD plants and animals. Or at least SUPPORT local urbanites like Dirk and Nicole who will! http://www.youtube.com/wat
Monday, July 18, 2011
The time is LATE! Your health is being undermined by the Corporation.
Please see Grounded News Presents: Save Compassion Farm (click the links)
I agree, Dirk and Nicole are in the forefront of Urban Farmers DOING something about the current state of growing FOOD in North America. Because we went to sleep, Corporate America has gained such a head start and MONOPOLY with "their brand of FOODS", (GMO, Round-up Ready, Terminator seeds and PATENTED Foods - It is estimated Monsanto now has over 11,000 patents - THEY control the foods you BUY in STORES) in combination with their control of "non-natural PATENTED MEDICINES" through the Church of Modern Medicine - we are in grave danger for our SURVIVAL. It's not about getting "along" with neighbours! Hello? Dirk Becker and Nicole Shaw simply wanted to be left alone to try to do their small part to solving OUR PROBLEM what are we going to breathe, drink and EAT, as well as live, but NO! The neighbourhood NIMBY, Jim Brash has been emboldened by the Mayor Colin Haime and majority of Council of Lantzville (one of the Councillors is Denise Haime, Mayor Haime's wife so they consitute 2 of the 7 votes) to escalate his harassment and bullying of Dirk and Nicole. I believe they are acting like Fascists in that community and persecuting these innocents for daring to do something against THEIR repressive zoning and by-laws in THEIR neighbourhood. Rise up people, educate yourself why so many countries around the world don't want North American Frankenfoods! Watch, Learn and APPLY. Tear out the lawn, plant open-pollinated seeds, and seek out Heritage FOOD plants and animals. Or at least SUPPORT local urbanites like Dirk and Nicole who will! http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=pEYnX3-I0TA
I agree, Dirk and Nicole are in the forefront of Urban Farmers DOING something about the current state of growing FOOD in North America. Because we went to sleep, Corporate America has gained such a head start and MONOPOLY with "their brand of FOODS", (GMO, Round-up Ready, Terminator seeds and PATENTED Foods - It is estimated Monsanto now has over 11,000 patents - THEY control the foods you BUY in STORES) in combination with their control of "non-natural PATENTED MEDICINES" through the Church of Modern Medicine - we are in grave danger for our SURVIVAL. It's not about getting "along" with neighbours! Hello? Dirk Becker and Nicole Shaw simply wanted to be left alone to try to do their small part to solving OUR PROBLEM what are we going to breathe, drink and EAT, as well as live, but NO! The neighbourhood NIMBY, Jim Brash has been emboldened by the Mayor Colin Haime and majority of Council of Lantzville (one of the Councillors is Denise Haime, Mayor Haime's wife so they consitute 2 of the 7 votes) to escalate his harassment and bullying of Dirk and Nicole. I believe they are acting like Fascists in that community and persecuting these innocents for daring to do something against THEIR repressive zoning and by-laws in THEIR neighbourhood. Rise up people, educate yourself why so many countries around the world don't want North American Frankenfoods! Watch, Learn and APPLY. Tear out the lawn, plant open-pollinated seeds, and seek out Heritage FOOD plants and animals. Or at least SUPPORT local urbanites like Dirk and Nicole who will! http://www.youtube.com/wat
Sunday, July 3, 2011
I believe this is just the tip of an iceberg; it's another blatant power grab by "The Corporation" It is being aided and abbetted by so called professionals like lawyers, judges and politicians with vested interests in this.
(Click on the highlighted links that follow for background and more information.)
SKU is Stock-Keeping Unit and UPC is Universal Product Code are tools of Modern day beancounters (accountants) and computer programmers that has been sold to merchants as a way to determine usage - sales and project needs based upon consumption. So far so good but I believe the ramifications for people producing a product without having a SKU or UPC is they soon will not be allowed to sell them.
Need the basics? see Wikipedia for background:
SKU is Stock-Keeping Unit at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stock-keeping_unit
UPC is Universal Product Code at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Product_Code
Since the Corporation came into being - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation#History it has allowed people to come together in a legal entity to generate profits and spread the risks. But now, in recent times some have begun to wonder at what cost? I believe as explained in The Globe and Mail, Saturday, March 6, 2004 - Page D3 a review of the book "The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power" by Joel Bakan (Viking Canada, 228 pages) that the corporation has lost it's moral direction. More evidence that MONEY, POWER and GREED is behind these things? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Corporation and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa3wyaEe9vE which is the trailer for the 23 part "The Corporation" on YouTube. Connect the dots to the movie FOOD, Inc. whose trailer is at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eKYyD14d_0&feature=related
and Corporations like Wal-mart and who is in charge today?
So there you have it, the USA leads the way:
Corporate America screwing the little guy
Take action on a small, local basis is first! Refuse to buy into the gods of MONEY, POWER and GREED. Give thanks for what you now have instead of what you think you need! Grow your own food, do not support the "bigger is better" philosophy. Share the planet with others including bugs so that there will be some for everyone. Learn to live and let live. Children belong to their parents, not one or the other or the government. Our homes, our families, our food, air and water will not sustain us in the future unless we take action today...People before profits.
(Click on the highlighted links that follow for background and more information.)
SKU is Stock-Keeping Unit and UPC is Universal Product Code are tools of Modern day beancounters (accountants) and computer programmers that has been sold to merchants as a way to determine usage - sales and project needs based upon consumption. So far so good but I believe the ramifications for people producing a product without having a SKU or UPC is they soon will not be allowed to sell them.
Need the basics? see Wikipedia for background:
SKU is Stock-Keeping Unit at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stock-keeping_unit
UPC is Universal Product Code at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Product_Code
Since the Corporation came into being - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation#History it has allowed people to come together in a legal entity to generate profits and spread the risks. But now, in recent times some have begun to wonder at what cost? I believe as explained in The Globe and Mail, Saturday, March 6, 2004 - Page D3 a review of the book "The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power" by Joel Bakan (Viking Canada, 228 pages) that the corporation has lost it's moral direction. More evidence that MONEY, POWER and GREED is behind these things? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Corporation and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa3wyaEe9vE which is the trailer for the 23 part "The Corporation" on YouTube. Connect the dots to the movie FOOD, Inc. whose trailer is at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eKYyD14d_0&feature=related
and Corporations like Wal-mart and who is in charge today?
So there you have it, the USA leads the way:
Corporate America screwing the little guy
Take action on a small, local basis is first! Refuse to buy into the gods of MONEY, POWER and GREED. Give thanks for what you now have instead of what you think you need! Grow your own food, do not support the "bigger is better" philosophy. Share the planet with others including bugs so that there will be some for everyone. Learn to live and let live. Children belong to their parents, not one or the other or the government. Our homes, our families, our food, air and water will not sustain us in the future unless we take action today...People before profits.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Law Suits
On Protect Urban Agriculture, Save Compassion Farm...
Nico TeWinkel Thought you might be interested in the costs another municipality ran into when they sued a citizen. Total legal costs were about $120,000, or $200 per taxpayer. Suing a taxpayer shows great fiscal responsibility, doesn't it?
Thought you might be interested in the costs another municipality ran into when they sued a citizen. Total legal costs were about $120,000, or $200 per taxpayer. Suing a taxpayer shows great fiscal responsibility, doesn't it?
http://www2.canada.com/comoxva lleyecho/news/story.html?id=64 484030-07d3-49b3-9a0e-e3b51954 e0fThought you might be interested in the costs another municipality ran into when they sued a citizen. Total legal costs were about $120,000, or $200 per taxpayer. Suing a taxpayer shows great fiscal responsibility, doesn't it?
http://www2.canada.com/comoxva lleyecho/news/story.html?id=64 484030-07d3-49b3-9a0e-e3b51954 e0fa
The most news and entertainment portal from a Canadian perspective. Television, major newspapers across Canada, health, sport, entertainment, lifestyle, free email and more.
Yesterday at 08:52 · · ·
- Karen Gillmore and 3 others like this.
- Nico TeWinkel yes, different case, but another example of an elected local government spending lots of taxpayer money, against taxpayer will, to satisfy their own egos. And the result is that most of the elected people have been replaced and their reputations are shot. Oh, and of course everybody living there has to cough up an extra $200 for the politicians' stupidities.20 hours ago · · 1 person
- Bernadette Keenan There is that. Most municipalities that I am aware of don't jump in to lawsuits right off the bat.20 hours ago ·
- April ReevesOh no, this is BRILLIANT! Forget about the "suit" itself and just listen to the message it brings. Regan Grill, this is what should be going out in an ad! This is how you throw it back at them. When the local taxpayers get hold of this it will incite a new level of support, inadvertently of course, but none the less, valuable. Locals may or may not like the idea of urban farms, but they all agree on paying as little tax as possible. Phrase this appropriately and you have a valuable tool.10 hours ago ·
- Bernadette Keenanwhat you might also do is some sort of investigation into what kind of results such lawsuits have. from my perspective they are not entered into lightly, usually to bring about compliance, but the awards are not usually very large from what I recall.
Very important to have a chronology of events. That is what the Lantzville will do. They will prepare a list of dates and actions taken. Wonder where you can check these kind of lawsuits....9 hours ago · - Chris J. Slater Yes, Research for those so inclined: http://www.provincialcourt
.bc.ca/judgmentdatabase/jd bresults.asp?target=Region al+District++-+Bylaw+enfor cement+vs.&CiScope=%2FJudg ments%2F&RecordsPerPage=10 &Order=Rank There are 1087 cases to review. I searched Regional District+ bylaw enforcement and this is what came up...Interesting reading... about an hour ago · - Chris J. Slater Hmm, I also tried Municipality vs. at http://www.provincialcourt
.bc.ca/judgmentdatabase/ and came up with 226. Also tried "entire database" then "By-law enforcement" http://www.provincialcourt .bc.ca/judgmentdatabase/jd bresults.asp?target=Bylaw+ enforcement&CiScope=%2FJud gments%2F&RecordsPerPage=1 0&Order=Rank which gives 695 cases and judgements. The very first, under Citation is found at: http://www.provincialcourt .bc.ca/judgments/pc/2000/0 2/p00_0214.htm and it involves the City of Courtenay enforcing residential zoning... 58 minutes ago · - Chris J. Slater Dirk and Nicole: You are in the right and I encourage you or anyone else who wants to seek "food security" to do so in any way that is legal / and or leads to changes in archaic and unfair enforcement of existing by-laws. Unfortunately right now, you are the "lightening rod" on Vancouver Island. Also "Residential Zoning" yields 991 cases at:A lawyer is supposed to research the case and cite precedents such as these. This is by no means an exhaustive listing of decisions, but rather a list of the "better" decisions on which lawyers argue their cases. As legal aid is very short of funding they may not be able to help, but try them at http://www.lss.bc.ca/legal
_aid/legalAidOffices.asp, Personally I like the Nanaimo Salvation Army ProBono program at http://www.probono.ca/council.php and http://www.ag.gov.bc.ca/ju stice-access-centre/nanaim o/resources/info/probono.h tm at which I note is link to Nanaimo Citizens Advocacy Association at: http://www.povnet.org/node /2526. Also see the Law Students program: www.lslap.bc.ca/.I am very stubborn when it comes to my rights and I hate to see anyone bullied or pushed around by anyone, including by the RCMP. You can represent yourself successfully at provincial court, most judges give you the benefit of the doubt in your presentation.Also see Courthouse Law Library: http://www.courthouselibrary.ca/ Even if you lose at the BCPC then you have three more courts to appeal to: SCBC, Appeal Court SCBC and Supreme Court of Canada. Personal poverty is a defense against paying lawyers and you can apply for "indigent status"20 minutes ago · - Chris J. Slater Indigent status is a little tricky, a couple of my "cases" in BCSC are quoted because I was too proud to admit that I couldn't pay for a lawyer and cover my existing debts. But after a few false starts, my cases are now being fought from my "indigent status" That serves to let the other side know from the outset that a judgement against me will be a "dry judgement". Because of the loss of my rights as a man, father and citizen of Canada, I am deeply in debt. Most recently on May 18, 2010 at PCBC I beat Maintenance Enforcement after they took all my assets including my Canada Plan Plan and forced me into abject poverty.As a result I've became a beat dead dad, unable to travel to Courtenay and Bremerton Washington to visit my children, am homeless and have become very familiar with food banks and helping agencies. But even so, it can be done! Oh yes this is very helpful also: Canadian Legal Information Institute CanLII at http://www.canlii.org/ for other court decisions.Thanks for your postings, we can AGAIN grow and sell our own food.·
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