Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rope-a-Lantzville Dope

‎(This post was buried in a long string and I think it is very important. Susana)

From: Dirk Becker
Dear folks,:
Nicole and I are very political. We feel strongly that the political is personal and involves every aspect our lives. I personally have run for office twice now. We also recognize that what we are doing here is not only political, it is also of global significance.
We have both served on many boards ranging from social, to environmental, to food.
Our lives have been turned upside down for 11 months now. I have not slept properly for most of that time (usually wake up at 4 am wet from nightmares) have been sick for 2 months, my back is out, our crops suck, the slugs are out of control, the weed are 3 feet tall etc.
Because of that and more, we have been pushed by our most trusted friends to retain a lawyer. The initial retainer will be about $5,000.00 We farm full time for a living, we also publish a magazine that is break even because we refuse to chase after and fill the magazine with ads. We also do free workshops, public talks, consult and counsel people weekly for free. I have been asked by a publisher to start a book, and another person has asked me to go on a cross canada tour to speak on this issue.
85% of farmers in canada have off farm jobs to make ends meet. I have not had a holiday for 10 years and we have not had a 2 night getaway for 2, going on 3 years now. In addition to all I have mentioned (there is more) we now need between 5,000 and $50,000.00 for this legal battle.
What we are asking is that you folks please take (this) battle to your personal face books. There are 1600+ members on this group. When they get posts from here and or join, we need them to be drawn to:
"Protect Urban Agriculture, Save Compassion Farm"
We need you and others (on this site) to direct their energy towards the future of food in canada through bottom up, grass roots actions like this.

Thank you for your understanding and support thus far, i sincerely hope you will stay the course with us, as this issue and fight affects all of in this group, the people of Vancouver Island, of British Columbia, of Canada, of North America and the rest of all people around the world.
Thank You,
Yours in Service, Dirk Becker.
7 hours ago · · ·

  • You and 2 others like this.
    • Glenda Allard Barr Thank you, Susana. This is, indeed, an important post. It hurts to read it, but it dramatizes the ordeal that Dirk and Nicole cannot escape, and the need for our energies to find resolution for this issue. I deleted the word "try" in the last sentence, because we cannot end the struggle until good sense prevails and the value of the work our farmers do is fully recognized!
      7 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Chris J. Slater Dirk and Nichol - "Rope-A-Dope!"​ki/Rope-a-dope and "Illegitimi non carborundum"​ki/Illegitimi_non_carborun​dum . Yes those who want to be your oppressors and bullies are truly sick. Agreed? But don't feed them and what they crave by wasting your time and energies by worrying about what they have or can do. Enjoy your chosen vocations, it's always darkest before dawn. And there is one coming. There are elections in the District of Lantzville in November and rather than trying to change the minds of those now in power, we need to expose them for what they are and work for regime change. To spend $5,000 on legal retainers let alone $50,000, or on advertising, hoping to educate or change their minds is foolishness. Get on with what you need to do. If that angry neighbour, Mayor, Councillors or anyone else is harassing you or your property, report them to the RCMP, by-law enforcement or whatever authority is responsible for good law and order. And thank you for sharing what losers they are. But what about Jack De Jong's well researched solution: apply for "Farm Tax Status" ? There are 9 properties in a situation similar to yours, but they already have the Status. That designation comes from the BC Assessment Authority and that MUST be the end of The D of L's demands, unless they want to continue this charade of discrimination. Raw Manure, Flies, Plague, Etc. In my opinion, having been there personally, they are FULL of IT! Better yet, the District of L will have less of YOUR tax dollars to spend on such foolishness. Please, reconsider and get that Status, then people, let's work to "Turf The Turkeys" in November! Please, Dirk and Nicole, continue your very important fight: to restore some sanity to our RIGHT to FEED ourselves and whoever we choose without government or corporate interference! People, please, wherever you are in the world, rise up, your RIGHTS must be respected! And tell everyone who EATS: Protect Urban Agriculture, Save Compassion Farm...How? Join the fight!
      The Rope-a-dope is a boxing fighting style commonly associated with Muhammad Ali...See more
      12 minutes ago · · 1 person ·
    • Chris J. Slater FB always has to leave off something! Send this link to whoever you know who eats!​oups/143703205679538/ Ask them to join in a righteous campaign.
      One of our sacred local food sources (Compassion Farm - Lantzville, BC) has come under attack by those who do not understand the importance of urban agriculture. The purpose of this group is to creat...
      7 minutes ago · · 2 people ·

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