
In August 1945, after the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, Dr. Akizuki saved the lives of all radioactive disease patients feeding them rice, miso soup, vegetables and algae and other macrobiotic quality foods. Other survivors of Hiroshima also experienced similar benefits.
In the 1960's, Canadian scientists began experimenting with some of these foods in their search for an antidote to the fallout from nuclear explosions worldwide and showed that common algae (seaweeds) offered an effective protection. In 1980, scientists at Hiroshima began a series of experiments with miso soup, which also showed a measure of immunity.
In 1986, after the Chernobyl nuclear accident thousands of Europeans increased their consumption of these foods. Since the early 90's, Soviet physicians began to treat children and adults exposed to radioactivity with miso, seaweed and other beneficial nutrients.No potassium iodide pills available? Here is something better and natural. I am working on improving this post, but want to get the message out now. There is something we personally can do to help. Please make others aware of natural remedies including macrobiotics. And remember to offer what we now so desperately need: Hope.
God bless us all.
Chris J. Slater, Canada.
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