boka hotell berlin
Monday, August 20, 2012
Joel Salatin And Dr. Mercola
Two of my favourite personalities talking about things near and dear to my heart. Discussions about farmers market and how food is distributed. Food and the Health connection...!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Just Eat Them Invasive Species!
- Chris J. Slater Indeed, heartless towards our prisoners! We foolishly love them more than humans! We decide what they will eat, where they will go, if and when they procreate, and we take food out of the mouths of the starving millions of humans not so fortunate as us(?) Third world blood supports our "lifestyle"! The young lady living in her mother's mobile across from mine, has supposedly 10 adult cats of which three have just had litters. (they are unneutered or spayed) She feeds them and her 1 dog, on Purina dry food (instead of carnivore food: meat) and when they are let out, they come over to my freshly dug and planted garden and do their extremely smelly, offensive, sticky bombs they hide just under the surface! I am sickened by the smells of them marking "their" territory by spraying. Worse is their fighting and yowling when they are mating! They do this with impunity; park management says they can do nothing, neighbours have phoned the SPCA who can likewise do nothing. I'm not sure if the Nanaimo animal control officer has been called or not. As for me I am in the process of erecting netting on the perimeter of my garden and will cover the garden enclosure a with 1. pre-existing trailing blackberries, I'm training 2. use an existing Hawthorn tree 3. scarlet runner beans 4. climbing nasturtiums 5. Take a page from the young lady across from me: let the Himalayan Blackberries take over and out! So I hope to keep the cats out and shade the tin box I now live in...Another neighbour had accused me of flinging cat poo at his RV and when I denied it, he called me a toilet mouth profanity...wanted a fist fight with me to prove his point!...his girlfriend won't speak to me because I ordered them off my mobile pad, when he threatened to return and "get me", I phoned the RCMP! They could do nothing! toilet moth neighbour "probably meant "he would get me a PIZZA!! Another neighbour (also a food gardener) has even gone so far as to suggest winterizing them! (the cats, although maybe it should be the pet "lovers". A most gruesome way to die... Any other ideas people? After the poo flinging accusations the young lady told me to fling it at her mother's place. (I again denied it although I have a suspicion who flung poo... Instead I have twice bagged it up and delivered it to her porch...she said if it was anyone but me (the old man) she would throw it to my face! sigh...en.wikipedia.orgRubus armeniacus, Armenian Blackberry or Himalayan Blackberry, is a species of R...See more
- Dirk Becker My hope is that people (here) understand it is about footprint, not pets, dogs, cats horses.
Most people in Canada use between 5 and 10 planet earths per capita.
Meaning, if all hu...See More - Chris J. Slater Thanks for the offer Dirk, I put up netting to keep the cats and dogs out and for MY introduced climbing flora. About 9:30 pm the other day there was a very loud commotion outside and I had "caught" a white kitten - it was all tangled up in the netting! It was being watched in it's struggles by 12 older cats from across the way... When I went to try and untangle it, it tried to claw and bite ME! So I grabbed it by the scruff of it's neck and freed it. Bottom line? No bad animals, just irresponsible owners! So we have to fence THEM (the irresponsible neighbours including Mr. Round-up Ready) off our properties. My Himalayan Black Berries are doing very well and I soon expect to have a formidable, impenetrable barrier between me, Mr. Toilet Mouth and Miss I'll Keep And Feed As Many As They Breed. Where does this "invasive" terminology come from? In B.C. it's the Invasive Species Council of B.C. in conjunction with International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which developed the list of the 100 world’s worst invasive species, and defines them as “animals, plants or other organisms INTRODUCED BY MAN into places out of their natural range of distribution, where they become established and disperse, generating a negative impact on the local ecosystem and species.” On that 100 list I was surprised to see "This species has been nominated as among 100 of the "World's Worst" invaders." . Might just as well apply that definition to Homo Sapiens! "We have met the enemy... and he is us" LOL Full Circle!
- Chris J. Slater "This species has been nominated as among 100 of the "World's Worst" invaders." Global Invasive Species Database contains invasive species information suppl...See more
- Chris J. Slater "We have met the enemy... and he is us"
- Chris J. Slater More Excess? Click on the above cartoon to see a very insightful Earth Day 1971 Poster... Bottom line? After all deliberations WE can only be responsible for ME! Am I part of the solution or part of the problem? Is my footprint stepping on other feet? My solution (and a growing number of my friends) is EAT THEM! . However now that I'm a raw food vegan, not much appeal in that, but how about Canada Thistles? meat or cat flesh, meat prepared from domestic cats for human consumption (v...See more
- Chris J. Slater Prickly Lettuce? Yummy and best of all GROWING FREE as an INVASIVE SPECIES in B.C. So it is my civic duty to eradicate them by EATING THEM. Won't you be part of the solution? They are yummy! Thanks Sergei Boutenko!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Back To The Land
I've moved. I left behind all those fruit trees, plants in my garden and the herbs that I came to love at 13140 Thomas Road, Ladysmith. I had to take a very small (smallest in the park I'm told) Mobile Home Park Bay at Southgate Mobile Home Park ; municipal address, #4 - 1226 Lawlor Road, Nanaimo, BC. V9R 6L6Here is the City of Nanaimo Property Report
Front is Annamie's 1989 Toyota Tercel DX, 5 door hatchback, my 1973 Datsun 620PL (Pickup Light) is next and behind the green tarp (now removed) is my 5' x 7' shed. To the right is my home: a classic 1974 Citation 5th Wheel, fully skirted and converted to a Mobile Home Park Model (on jack stands, no 12V. system, it is all 110V. except for the running lights and no propane system. It is now all electric and the holding tanks for fresh, grey and black water have been removed.
Although I have air conditioning, I want to shade my home naturally and so save electricity. So I made this planter across the front and planted Scarlet Runner Beans that will grow and shade the front as well as hiding my unit.
Turning the corner, along the right side of my fifth (the West side), I've planted Climbing Nasturtiums.
Annamie Colina is watering my garden area out behind the shed, around the perimeter of which I've also planted the Scarlet Runner Beans for privacy, food, flowers and to help the netting keep the neighbourhood cats out. As soon as I dig the soil, the cats are in there fouling it with their smelly, squishy (a result of being fed Purina dried food) wastes. Our cat, Christine, is fed raw organic chicken and the difference in smell and volume of her wastes and her health has been remarkable! Cats are carnivores and feral cats catch and eat smaller animals.
Another picture of Annamie Colina watering my plants. In the foreground is the power and telecommunications pole for the neighbouring Bay #5 that I recently replaced as the former post was rotted away as was mine for Bay #4.
Part of my Container Garden. I only have plants that I can eat. So
there are strawberries , garden strawberries , (a hybrid), orange day-lilies , parsley , and clover.
This is my square, black composter to make my compost for my plants in the right hand rear corner of my bay. Beside it, to the right are my 2 ferns . In front of the composter is another day-lily with a volunteer thistle growing alongside. I only became aware of Thistle edibility recently. To the right of that is growing what I believe is a Fire-weed . Time will tell. There's a Dandelion sprouting in my Miner's Lettuce. The final container contains one of my
favourite spring pot herbs: Stinging Nettle.
To the right of the parking, is a strip of soil that I'm encouraging to go natural. There's Chickweed, Dandelion , Quack or Couch grass and Plantain.
This is a Hawthorn that for a variety of reasons, have become very important to me: My N.D. (Naturopathic Doctor) has recommended a herbal tincture of Hawthorn for my C.H.F.
This is my favourite berry, a Blackberry.
This area of my garden, back of the shed, I've broadcast Mustard and Kale seed.
Lavender has a place in my garden for a number of reasons.
There is a lot going on in these containers in my garden. Lower left, clockwise is violet , strawberries, sage, oregano, day-lily flower, lemon balm, mint, strawberries, clover and day-lily again.
I love the macrobiotic concept: Eat what grows where you live in season! If we all could keep this in mind, imagine the fossil fuels we could save the world. So in Nanaimo what are we supposed to eat in the winter?
I like to keep in mind what GROWNFOODS stand for.
Remember? G=Green, R=Raw, O=Organic, W=Wet or Wild, N=Natural which means FOODS should be grown and used to nourish our bodies as God intended, not as mankind plans to profit from.
So let's eat Winter vegetables, sprouts, dried fruits, dried vegetables, fresh or dried seaweeds, nuts and seeds.
Please be very sure about what you eat! There are many good guides, I like the Wild Edibles Series on YouTube | Sergei Boutenko
1226 LAWLOR ROAD - Property Report
Home > Data > Property > 1226 LAWLOR ROAD
General Information | Parcel Graphic | |
Address: |
Open as KML (Google Earth) Open in Google Maps Open in Bing Maps |
Folio: | 70371.040 | |
Plan: | ||
Size: | ||
Zone | R12 MOBILE HOME PARK RESIDENTIAL Please select ZONING from the THEMES menu in NanaimoMap for more information. |
Garbage Calendar (click on route number to view calendar) |
Sewer Benefiting Area | YES | |
GIS Link | 216764 | |
Location |
49.13225, -123.9232
View other properties on LAWLOR ROAD, or search for other Nanaimo properties.
So that is what the City of Nanaimo says is there. But here are my pictures of what is there now, I took these July 31, 2012.
Although I have air conditioning, I want to shade my home naturally and so save electricity. So I made this planter across the front and planted Scarlet Runner Beans that will grow and shade the front as well as hiding my unit.
Turning the corner, along the right side of my fifth (the West side), I've planted Climbing Nasturtiums.
Annamie Colina is watering my garden area out behind the shed, around the perimeter of which I've also planted the Scarlet Runner Beans for privacy, food, flowers and to help the netting keep the neighbourhood cats out. As soon as I dig the soil, the cats are in there fouling it with their smelly, squishy (a result of being fed Purina dried food) wastes. Our cat, Christine, is fed raw organic chicken and the difference in smell and volume of her wastes and her health has been remarkable! Cats are carnivores and feral cats catch and eat smaller animals.
Another picture of Annamie Colina watering my plants. In the foreground is the power and telecommunications pole for the neighbouring Bay #5 that I recently replaced as the former post was rotted away as was mine for Bay #4.
Part of my Container Garden. I only have plants that I can eat. So
there are strawberries , garden strawberries , (a hybrid), orange day-lilies , parsley , and clover.
This is my square, black composter to make my compost for my plants in the right hand rear corner of my bay. Beside it, to the right are my 2 ferns . In front of the composter is another day-lily with a volunteer thistle growing alongside. I only became aware of Thistle edibility recently. To the right of that is growing what I believe is a Fire-weed . Time will tell. There's a Dandelion sprouting in my Miner's Lettuce. The final container contains one of my
favourite spring pot herbs: Stinging Nettle.
To the right of the parking, is a strip of soil that I'm encouraging to go natural. There's Chickweed, Dandelion , Quack or Couch grass and Plantain.
This is my favourite berry, a Blackberry.
This area of my garden, back of the shed, I've broadcast Mustard and Kale seed.
Lavender has a place in my garden for a number of reasons.
There is a lot going on in these containers in my garden. Lower left, clockwise is violet , strawberries, sage, oregano, day-lily flower, lemon balm, mint, strawberries, clover and day-lily again.
I love the macrobiotic concept: Eat what grows where you live in season! If we all could keep this in mind, imagine the fossil fuels we could save the world. So in Nanaimo what are we supposed to eat in the winter?
I like to keep in mind what GROWNFOODS stand for.
Remember? G=Green, R=Raw, O=Organic, W=Wet or Wild, N=Natural which means FOODS should be grown and used to nourish our bodies as God intended, not as mankind plans to profit from.
So let's eat Winter vegetables, sprouts, dried fruits, dried vegetables, fresh or dried seaweeds, nuts and seeds.
Please be very sure about what you eat! There are many good guides, I like the Wild Edibles Series on YouTube | Sergei Boutenko
Nanaimo, BC, Canada
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